Feb 9, 2014

V-Day Series: Nails

Ombre Glitter 

Difficulty: Easy

1.) Pick two nail polishes that are similar in color; one solid and one glitter. 

2.) Paint on the solid color first, focusing the color near the bottom of the nail. Once the it dries, paint a thin layer of the glitter nail polish on 1/2-2/3 of the way down the nail.

3.) Next, you want to paint a thicker layer of the glitter nail polish on the tip of your nail, trying to get as much glitter on as possible.

4.) The final product should look something like this. You can also do the ombre on only one nail and have it as an accent, or you can can go all out and do them on all of your nails. If you can't find a similar solid nail color to your glitter one, you can always use a nude or white base coat. When it dries, don't forget to add top coat.

Floral French Tip

Difficulty: Medium

1.) Get 3 different shades of pink, a white, a green, and a nude color nail polishes.

 2.) Paint your all your nails nude, then add a french tip.

3.) On the french tip, you can add the leaves by painting two dots right next to each other, and having them connect. If you want to make them more realistic, you can take a toothpick and drag the paint from one end of a dot and make it more pointed. Then, take the darkest pink and make a medium sized dot on the end of the green dots. You can also make random dots that aren't connect to leaves to have stand alone flowers.

4.) After that dries, taking the next darkest color you want to make a dot on top of the other pink dot. I suggest doing this step one nail at a time. Make sure to let some of the dark pink show from behind. The reason you should do one nail at a time is because right after you place the second pink color on, you're going to take either the lightest pink or white and swirl it together. To do this, take the light color and drop it on top of the pink and taking a tooth pick, lightly swirl the two colors together. Once completely dried, apply top coat.

And Voila! You have cute and easy floral nails. Again, you can have an accent nail and do the whole process to the whole nail instead of just on the french tip part. I hope you liked these Valentines Day inspired Nails, don't forget to send me your pins so I can add them to my Blog Board!