Jan 26, 2014


Getting Ready

Dress: A'Gaci $36.50
Shoes: Charlotte Russe $32.50
Earrings: Forever 21 $4.80
Bracelets: Forever 21 $8.80

Nail Design Tutorial

1. For the thumb,index, and pinkie you first want to paint them a light pink/nude color. After it completely dries, take a piece of tape and cut it into thin strips. You can also buy nail polish stickers, which makes the job more efficient. When putting the tape on, make sure to have long strips so that it touches your skin, it makes it easier to peel off later. 
2. Place the tape 1/3 of the way down from the top of your nail (See picture: blue line). If you want it to have more of a curve instead of a straight line, like a french tip, that also works too. Fill in above the blue line with white polish and let it dry. When the polish is dry, place another piece of tape on your nail a little bit above the blue piece (purple line), and fill above that line with gold. Once all the polish is dry, slowly peel off the tape and add topcoat.
3. To achieve the design on the middle finger, you first want to paint the whole nail white. Make sure the nail polish is completely dry before placing the tape (See guide above). Placing the tape exactly where you want it can be a little challenging at first, so you may need a friend to help you. Once you've conquered the difficult part, press down on the tape so it's entirely on your nail. Once you've done that, paint a thin layer of gold nail polish all over your nail, even on top of the tape. When it is dry, again slowly take off the tape. Before putting on top coat, I suggest you wait another 10 minutes just so you don't have any smudging or smearing. Then apply a generous amount of topcoat. 

The Dance

So overall Turnabout was really fun. Everybody looked gorgeous and all the guys look dapper. My favorite part of the night had to be the car ride over to the dance with Gursky because we listened to Spanish Rap the whole way there, which surprisingly is a thing. The music at the dance was pretty good, except it was mostly gangster rap, none of which I knew. They also only played 1 slow song when we were there, and we stayed there for the majority of the night. That kind of sucked. But a professional photographer was going around and she got a shot of us slow dancing, so that's probably going to be posted everywhere for everyone to see...great. Other than that, it was a fun night of eating, dancing, and hanging out with friends. This group of people was a fun bunch, and I hope we get to do it again!