Feb 12, 2014

V-Day Series: Makeup

This simple and elegant eye makeup will definitely catch your valentine's eye. With soft pinks, subtle browns, and voluminous lashes, you can wear this look on a date or just everyday. 
The makeup and colors you will need:
1. Light Shimmery Pink
2. Light Matte Pink
3.  Tan/Light Matte Brown
4. Shimmery Brown
5. Medium/Dark Shimmery Brown
6. Blackest of Black
7. Black Mascara

Step 1

The first thing you want to do is prep your eyes. You can do this by putting on eye shadow primer or a little bit of concealer onto your lids.This just makes the colors more vibrant, and helps it stay on for a longer time. Next you want  to take the first color (shimmery light pink) and put it all over your lid, except for the brow bone. You can either use a brush or clean fingers, I used my fingers to get the most color on. Then taking the second color (matte light pink), you want to place that on your brow bone and inner corner.

Step 2

Now you want to take the tan color and place it above the shimmery pink and below the matte pink highlight. Blending in between the two colors, the tan is the transition, so there isn't any harsh lines. Taking the shimmery brown, you want to place this on half of the eye, over the shimmery pink but concentrate it near the outer 'V' of the eye.

Step 3

After you put on the brown, blend it in but away from the inner corner. Using the darker brown, put that on the outer half of your crease and blend it in. Once you've blended it, take the shimmery pink again and put a layer of it over the brown that's in the middle. 

Step 4

Using the blackest black eye shadow you have and an angled brush, line your eyes as close to the lash line as possible. However, don't put it near the inner corner or on the bottom lash line. If you choose, you can wing it out a little. The black eye shadow makes it softer than a harsh liquid liner. You can also use a black eyeliner pencil instead.

Step 5

Don't forget to curl your lashes before finally putting on mascara on both your top and bottom lashes.